Our Story

She’s All That started over an idea of how to inspire today’s young girls to feel empowered and unleash the greatness within themselves. Growing up I used to see profiles of Harriet Tubman, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Frederick Douglas around the border of my classroom wall. To my surprise, I noticed the same profiles at my now 12-year old daughter’s school. I thought, while it is good to still see those old school profiles, are there more people to feature 20+ years later? Is there a more engaging way to teach our children about famous African-Americans? Born out of this idea came She’s All That.
We researched a variety of people and honed in on highlighting African-American women of all ages and all areas of interest. We decided showcasing these success stories to young girls can empower them to see beyond circumstances and reach for more. By combining the profiles with a hands on activity, of creating a scrapbook magic was made. Research shows people retain more by doing, what girl doesn’t love to decorate! Creating a keepsake scrapbook of African American girls and women became the perfect combination.
Bob Proctor said “If you can see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand”. She’s All That products help start the girl in your life of opening her mind to seeing her own future, dreaming big about possibilities and eventually turning them into reality. Are you ready to start her on her journey? Thank you for your support.